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More information about DUT012, Sales Operations Subject Area - Sales Adminstrative Transaction

The following is additional information provided by Oracle... These are the business questions that can be answered from this (these) subject area(s) contained in this rule:

• How many Leads are converted in the current quarter?
• How many Leads are unassigned in the system?
• Which Sales Campaign resulted in the highest number of Qualified Leads in the last quarter?
• How many Leads are associated for a given Opportunity?
• How many Opportunities were created from a given Lead?
• What is the revenue generated by Partners per Customer?
• What are my best performing product lines by customer geographies?
• How is my Revenue distributed across Customer geographies?
• What regions are my customers clustered in?
• What are Sales Representatives forecast and closed revenues for the quarter? How do they compare against the
• On which sales accounts is a given sales representative a member of the account team?
• Who are all the Contacts assigned to the Assets?
• What are the responses for different Opportunity for an Assessment submitted?
• What are the Quotas assigned to the team and the Actuals?
• How are the business plan objectives split?
• What are the objectives that have not met the target value set?
• How is the QoQ progress of a Partner (by comparing the same assessments submitted by Partner) for different
• What are the SIC codes associated with a Partner, and with all associated Partners?
• Against how many Opportunities, were the Quotes submitted in this month?
• How do the number of activities in a region and their average SR resolution rates by quarter compare?
• How often do communications cross channels to get to resolution?
• How many customer interactions happen without an SR?
• How many interactions does it take before an SR is resolved? How does this vary across product lines and service
• As a Service Manager, do I have coverage to support all channel work? What are the abandonment rates?
• How often are communications being transferred between agents?
• What is the impact of linking knowledge articles to SRs? Has it led to reduced SR resolution times and SR
reopenings ?
• How many work orders are non-compliant, expected to be non-compliant and expected to be compliant when I,
as an agent review my own open work orders?
• How many new coverages begin in the ensuing month?
• Are we equipped to service the increase in coverages?
• What is the current count of inbound email requests by status and mailbox?
• How many messages resulted in new service request creation versus update to existing service request?
• Can the variation in SR resolution times between team members be attributable to sub-optimal queue
• What are our most commonly used channels for messaging by product, service category, and location? Is the
channel usage of high cost channels very high?
• What is the reopen rate for SRs owned by my team? Who has the most reopen rate? Is there a training issue?
• What characteristics do groupings of SR's based on specific tags (e.g., tag = 'outage') exhibit?
• How is tag usage across agents and resource teams? Which teams perform better than others?
• What is the complete set of contact points for a primary contact to ensure I send a communication out to only
one contact point, and do not send duplicate communications to the same primary contact?
• Was there a lot of time spent waiting on customers to respond to more information, documents and so on?
• Are survey request frequencies meeting our norms?
• Are satisfaction levels showing a declining trend over time? What specific account regions contribute to this?
• What aspects of service delivery are customers most happy about? Which ones are they most unhappy about?
• What are the response scores for customer where we have not met SLA's?
• What are the top 10 products associated to the Leads in the system?
• What are the Leads that are coverted into Opportunities?
• What is the number of leads by partners for a specific product group?
• How many Partners is a Contact is associated to?
• How many Leads and Opportunities are Open for a given Customer in the Current quarter?
• Are the Leads associated with certain products?
• What is the open/closed revenue for each of the product groups in the selected geography?
• Are the sales reps moving their opportunities fast enough?
• Are there any up sell/cross sell opportunities?
• Is overall pipeline healthy enough to meet sales goals?
• What are the top stalled opportunities and who are the sales reps working on these?
• What are the sales accounts owned by the Sales team?
• What are the Deals submitted by the Partners in the current quarter with the Deal size?
• Who are the Resources assigned to the Leads created in any given time period?
• What are the Leads assigned to me/my team member?
• What are all the Territories the Lead is part of?
• How did the Opportunity evolve over time?
• How did the Opportunity revenue amount change over time? (or any other Opportunity attributes)
• How is the QoQ trend of the Customer Satisfaction? (by comparing the same assessments submitted by Partner)
for different Quarters?
• How many territories are assigned to a Resource/Employee?
• What are all the Territories assigned to Resources/Employees?
• What are the total number of Contact Relationships between two Contact?
• Does this Contact have subsidiaries?
• What are the responses by different Partners for an Assessment submitted e.g. Partner Performance?submitted
e.g. Partner Performance?
• What percentage of service requests involve at least one interaction?
• Are there preferred channels that customers use to contact us for specific service issue categories and product
• What is the average length of time of an interaction, by agent and channel?
• How many were compliant and non-compliant when I, as an agent review my own completed work orders?
• To what extent has the number of customer coverages increased between two given dates?
• How many emails came from known versus unknown contacts?
• Is there scope for a better resource load balance keeping in consideration the SR throughput across queues?
• What is the delay in estimated completion dates?
• Do we see a pattern in the average number of messages per closed SR going up in recent months? What factors
are contributing to this surge, if any?
• By being part of the SR team, how many SR resolutions has my resource team been able to influence during the
past period?
• What are the SRs that are waiting on my customers?
• What is the current count of inbound social requests by status and social channel?
• Is the Service organization effectively handling new social service requests in the appropriate timeframe?
• Do SR's with specific tags (e.g., tags for specific partners) show higher resolution times?
• Are we seeing an issue regarding compliance rates with certain tags?
• What is the opportunity information captured in the note to an opportunity?
• How long did it take to assign the SR to the correct queue?
• Who are the top Sales representatives by their Lead conversion ratio?
• What are the open Opportunities associated to a given Partner?
• What is the average deal size by Product groups?
• How are the Partners classified?
• What is total number of Partners assigned to a specific classification for this period?
• Does this account have subsidiaries?
• How is the Revenue spread for a given Customer hierarchy?
• How actively (# of Activities) are the Sales reps engaged with customers?
• What are my most active accounts? Who owns them and where are these located?
• What are the contact - points (phone, email, address, etc.) of key contacts?
• Who are all the contacts for key customers and what are their roles?
• Who are the customers/contacts that I can potentially visit when I am planning my travel to Account Region 'X'?
• Do Forecast rely on Revenue from few Products?
• Are the Approved Claims fully allocated or are the Channel partners not spending to approval?
• What is the revenue lost to competition for a specific product/product group?
• How is each member on the team performing on deal size, account coverage, and win rate?
• What are the Accounts under the sales team, by territory?
• What are the customer open/closed revenues and activities for all accounts in my resource team's territory
• How many Assets are created in a particular time period?
• Who are all the resources assigned to the Assets?
• What is the additional information updated in the Notes for a Contact?
• What is the additional information updated in the Notes for a Customer?
• Who are the Employees/Resource for the Deals that are submitted in the current month?
• What are the responses for different Leads for an Assessment submitted e.g. Lead Qualification Assessment?
• What is the average time the Opportunity is in a particular sales stage?
• What are the responses by different Accounts/Customers for an Assessment submitted e.g. Customer
• What are the Resources are associated to this contact?
• How many Leads do not have Contact?
• What are the activity objectives for the current period?
• What managers have teams averaging the most activities?
• Are agents prematurely updating SRs as Resolved to make their numbers look better?
• What product lines have a higher percentage of non-compliant SRs open?
• How frequently do agents link articles to SRs?
• How many are non-compliant, expected non-compliant, and expected compliant during my review of open work
• How often am I meeting milestone targets for my SRs? Which milestones do I miss most often?
• How does the aging profile of SRs look like? Are there any outliers calling for intervention?
• How many messages resulted in new service request creation versus how many messages resulted in an update
to an existing service request?
• I need some of my team members to focus on the expected surge in support calls for the new product being
introduced next quarter. Who should I recruit for this initiative, based on their activity levels?
• What are all addresses associated with the primary contact for accounts I'm the owner of or on the sales team?
• Do some SR categories imply higher difficulties (going by the actual time agents spend on such SRs)
• Have we kept our strategic customers happy? If not, where can we improve - in timliness, better first time
resolution, etc.?
• Do one or more of the agents in my team need training to improve customer communication skills?
• Which of our product lines most frequently receive suggestions for product improvements?
• What is the quarterly revenue trend for a specific product/product group by partner?
• What are the Customers from this account, including all subsidiaries?
• Are revenues getting closed in line with their forecast figures? To what extent do they deviate?
• What is the relative mix of forecast revenues by the various sales channels in a specific territory?
• What is the channel performance vs channel forecast?
• Are too many deals being pushed out to the subsequent fiscal quarters?
• What are my claimed vs unclaimed MDF totals?
• What are total number of Claims in the current quarter?
• Are there any opportunities to cross-sell/up-sell to help me meet/exceed my quota?
• How do wins and losses trend quarterly for a specific product line?
• What are the most likely reasons that the Opportunities are lost against our key competitors?
• What is the value trend of high value opportunities? Do they show a positive or negative trend?
• What are the sales accounts that a given Sales representative owns?
• What is the QoQ gowth for Assets by Products?
• How many Territoriess are assigned to an Opportunity?
• What are all the Territories assigned to Opportunities?
• How many new Resources are created in the current quarter?
• What are the target v/s actual number of the split objectives?
• What are the Programs that Partners have enrolled into?
• What are the total number of Relationships between two Partners?
• What are all the Leads/Contacts (Campaign Members) associated to the Campaign?
• How many responses received for a given campaign?
• How many Opportunities associated to a Campaign?
• What is the total Quotes revenue for the current month?
• How many contacts were not favored with a positive outcome with a given agent?
• How many interactions does it take on average to resolve an issue? What is the average interaction duration - by
team, agent, and channel?
• How many interactions are being lost/abandoned? How does this compare with previous periods?
• How long is it taking for offers to be made to agents?
• How many interactions, on average, does it require to resolve an issue?
• Are we keeping the number of non-compliant SRs in check for our most valuable customers?
• How many emails are we receiving over time?
• Are my team resources optimally deployed across service queues to maximize productivity?
• Are we responding to customer messages in a timely manner?
• What is the incidence of participation of my resource team in SRs over a period? How many open SRs are they a
part of, presently?
• How many SRs have been waiting on my agents for more than 24 hours? Which of these are critical or
• What is the contact point information of the primary contact for all active opportunities in the current quarter?
• What are all addresses associated with the primary contact for all active opportunities in the current quarter?
• What are the complete set of addresses for a primary contact to ensure I send a communication out to only one
address for the contact, and do not send duplicate communications out to other addresses for the same primary
• Did the SR have more than one issue that needed to be resolved (perhaps serially or requiring parallel efforts by
multiple resources)?
• How is survey request trending compared to SR resolutions during the same period?
• How does response differ for various service teams? Do some teams obtain better response rates?
• Are survey requests being sent per plan across teams, service categories, products, account regions?
• What is the most frequent positive feedback we get from our custoemrs? Most frequent negative feedback?
• Who is the Primary Contact and Resource assigned for a given Lead?
• What is the potential revenue of leads by partners?
• What is the distribution of Partner Opportunities by sales stages?
• What is the number of partners in a specific classification within a defined geographic region?
• What are the number of Partner contacts by Partner?
• Who all is part of the Partner Resource Team for a given Partner and what is their role?
• How many Partners' team is a given Resource part of?
• What are the total number of Relationships for a given Account?
• What are the top ten accounts by revenue in the last quarter?
• Who are my teams top Customers?
• Who are the 'new' customers, created in the past 6 months?
• What were the forecast revenues for the same period, last year? How did it compare with closed revenues?
• How are product revenues trending month over month?
• How do opportunities evolve over weeks/months in relation to sales stage, revenue amount, products, and
• What are the historical monthly trend of closed revenue by current territories?
• How many Leads are open for a given Product?
• What was the currency conversion rate applied to a specific claim?
• What products are often lost to key competitors? Is thre a pattern?
• Who are the top competitors and what is the revenue exposure to them?
• Who are the Primary owners of the Contacts for contacts created in the last quarter?
• How many territories is the Lead part of?
• What are all the Campaigns assigned to an Opportunity?
• Who are all the Contacts assigned to Opportunities?
• How many Partners are assigned to an Opportunity?
• Who are all the Partners assigned to Opportunities?
• How is the Quota attainment rate for the sales team?
• What are the user preferences for the Users created in the system?
• How many Enrollments are goingt o expire in the next quarter?
• How many Programs were created in the last quarter?
• Does this Partner have subsidiaries?
• What are the partner I have from this Partner, including all subsidiaries?
• How many times a Quote is revised before it gets approved?
• Who has submitted the highest number of Quotes in the current month?
• What is the maximum number of distinct contacts that is involved with an SR before it is closed? Does this vary
by SR category, product, and agent?
• How many distinct customer contacts does an agent interact with through a given channel during a specific
• Is my team following the norm that an SR must be opened (or updated) for every customer communication?
• What are our issue resolution rates for low and high cost channels?
• What percent of communications are resolved the first time? What is the most commonly used channel?
• Are there action plans tracking late to an overall target completion date?
• Are there too many stale messages, that is, messages that have not been updated in a long time tied to critical/
escalated issues?
• Are our processes inefficient or preventing agents from meeting milestones?
• Is a particular target too aggressive? Who is best at achieving targets for a given category of service request?
• How does my team perform in meeting first response milestones versus resolution milestones?
• What is the contact point information of the primary contact and non-primary contacts for accounts where I'm
the owner or on the sales team?
• What is the primary contact and non-primary contact pointa for all active opportunities in the current quarter?
• How are the individuals on my team doing as far as completing tasks on SRs with milestone due dates this week?
• Was an SR sitting in a queue longer than the average time for all other SRs?
• Was the SR queue modified or SR resource owner modified at any point?
• Was the assigned agent overloaded with other work (based on the average number of SRs assigned to the
• What are the Leads created by a Sales Rep/Sales Manager's team in the Current Quarter and what are their
• What is the number of Partner Contacts that are also resources and users?
• How many Territories is a Partner part of?
• Who manages my top accounts?
• Is there a team or group who are over or underperforming vs forecast?
• What forecasts have changed over time and are impacting my total quarterly revenue?
• What forecasts have seen changes in the quantities ordered vs the quantities planned?
• How many Leads is a Contact associated to?
• Are the MDF claims paid promptly? How many days on average between a claim request vs claim approval?
• What are the top ten products by revenue during the past quarter/year?
• What is the buying trend of our biggest customers?
• Do the sales territories need rebalancing?
• Are the Sales reps paying enough attention to the territories that they are a part of? What are their customer
activity levels?
• What are the top 10 Products by Asset count?
• What are the Assets that are expiring in the next quarter?
• How are the customers classified?
• What are the top 10 Deals created in the current quarter by their Deal size?
• What are the top 10 products for all the Deals submitted in the current quarter?
• How is the Deal Amount split between the products associated to the Deal Registration Lines?
• Who are all the Resources assigned to Opportunities?
• What is the Territory Quota vs/ Actual?
• Which Territories have exceeded their Quotes in the current Quarter?
• Who are the Partner resources in the system and which Partner Organization they belong to?
• What are the Partners created in the system for a given time period?
• How many Enrollments were created/submitted/expired/terminated in the last month?
• What is the Campaign ROI (return on investment)?
• How many times has the customer communicated with the contact center on this particular service request and
what channels did they use?
• On an average, how many interactions has it taken to resolve critical issues during the past month? How does
that compare with previous months?
• What are the rates for agents declining work offers?
• What are the average handle times?
• What are the number of interactions by channel, agent, and time period?
• Are there currently service requests that have missed the target milestone and require escalation?
• Where is my team missing SLAs? Is it in certain geographic locations, service categories, or product lines?
• Who are my agents that have the most pending SRs?
• How many SRs for product 'A' have tag 'X' or 'Y'? How many have the 'Potential Churn' tag?
• How can I identify neglected but strategic accounts to guide my team to focus on these?
• Did the SR get assigned to the wrong queue/team?
• Was the assigned agent overloaded with other work?
• Do we need to adjust our survey template to improve response rates?
• Is our resolution performance for escalated issues worse or better than non escalated issues?
• What are the sources of the Leads created in the current quarter?
• What are the top ten Partners by Revenue during the past quarter/year?
• What Partners are assigned to specific geographic territories?
• For given set of Customers, what percentage of my revenue is exposed to competition?
• Do forecasts rely on revenues from a few customers? What is the dependency profile?
• How to forecasts trend across periods?
• Who all are the Contacts associated to the Lead?
• How many outstanding claims in the current sales period assigned to a given Channel user?
• Who approved an MDF claim? What are the start and end dates of that claim?
• Was an MDF claim rejected? What was the reason the claim was rejected?
• Is the sales team converting leads to opportunities fast enough?
• How is my team doing in terms of task completions? (requires cross subject area join with Sales - CRM Sales
• Who are the resources assigned for a particular territory?
• How many new contacts are created in the system in the current month?
• What are the Products associated with the Deals?
• How many Contacts are assigned to an Opportunity?
• What Resources will not be able to meet the Quotas in the current quarter?
• What is the Hire date of the resources in an Orgnanization?
• Which Program has the highest number of Enrollments?
• What are the latest revisions to activity objectives?
• Across what channels do such non-SR interactions most often occur?
• What is the interactions activity level across channels and agents? How do they compare across time periods?
• What channels are the most effective for resolving issues with a single interaction?
• How often are my agents able to resolve issues using a low cost channel like chat?
• How often do communications cross channels before they are resolved?
• Is the Service organization effectively handling new emails in the appropriate timeframe?
• What is the % of open SRs with milestones, that is, have at least one milestone?
• As an agent am I spreading myself too thin by being part of one too many SR teams?
• What are the open critical SRs that my team is working on currently? How many of these are escalated?
• How many social posts are we receiving over time?
• How many social posts came from known versus unknown contacts?
• How many open SRs are linked to each tag?
• What is the complete set of contact points for the primary contact and non-primary contacts of an account? Am
I sending out duplicate communications?
• As a Service agent, I need to view my workload for the upcoming week/month. What are my urgent and overdue
tasks for this period?
• How long was an SR unassigned and how long did it sit in each queue?
• Does the survey request activity show a declining trend?
• Does seasonality impact response rates?
• How many Leads were rejected in the last quarter and what were the reason for those?
• What are the names of the customers that a Sales team owns? Who are the key contacts?
• Does the forecast versus pipeline trend show a healthy picture?
• What are the Opportunity Revenue line details contributing the most to the Forecast?
• What are the higher value deals that have been moved out?
• What are the opportunities that have undergone revenue changes - either upward or downward? Which team
members own these opportunities?
• Are the Leads supporting products that appeal to certain customers by size of company?
• What were the approved amounts vs the settled claim totals for the last 4 quarters?
• What are the top 10 open opportunities? What are the target close dates and revenues for these?
• What are all the contacts created in the system by Geography?
• What are all the Opportunities created as a result of Deal closure by a particular resource/team?
• What are all the Opportunities resulted from a Campaign?
• How many Resources are assigned to an Opportunity?
• What are the Opportunities associated for a given Partner and the revenue details of the Opportunities?
• How many Programs are owned by the team with their expiration date?
• How many Leads are part of the Campaign?
• Who has completed the most activity objectives?
• What are the activity levels in specific regions?
• Do customers contact us more often to solve issues or to seek answers to questions?
• Are there currently work requests that have a long acceptance time? What are the agent utilization rates?
• How is the percentage of compliant SRs trending month over month, quarter over quarter?
• Where are the outliers when it comes to compliance?
• How many showed up as compliant; how many were non-compliant during my review of completed work orders?
• What is the breakdown of open action plans by category?
• How many action plans are open and how long have they been open?
• How are we doing on SR resolution times between current and past months? What is the reason for degradation,
if any?
• How many SRs are unassigned for more than a day? Who are the impacted customers? How of many of these
are raised as critical?
• What is the contact point information of the primary contact for accounts where I'm the owner or on the sales
• Are there any workload balancing issues on my team? Are a few members performing most of the activities?
• What is the overall satisfaction levels of our customers with regards to issue resolutions?