1. Support Desk.
  2. Roles
  3. ERP Armor: Roles for ERP Cloud

More information about DUT113, CRM and Help Desk Subject Area - User NG Transaction

The following is additional information provided by Oracle... These are the business questions that can be answered from this (these) subject area(s) contained in this rule:

• As a Service Manager, do I have coverage to support all channel work? What are the abandonment rates?
• How are we doing on HR SR resolution times between current and past months? What are the reasons for any
• What is the reopen rate for HR SRs owned by my team? Who has the most reopen rates? Is there a training issue?
• What does the aging profile of HR SRs look like? Are there any outliers calling for intervention?
• How many HR SRs are unassigned for more than a day? Who are the impacted customers? How of many of
these are raised as critical?
• How long is it taking for offers to be made to agents?
• How many HR SRs have been waiting on my agents for more than 24 hours? Which of these are critical or
• What are the open critical HR SRs that my team is working on currently? How many of these are escalated?
• What are the rates for agents declining work offers?
• What are the average handle times?
• What are the HR SRs that are waiting on my customers?
• Are there currently work requests that have a long acceptance time? What are the agent utilization rates?
• Who are my agents that have the most pending HR SRs?